Postdoc at the University Lumière Lyon 2, France
After an undergraduate degree in archaeology, followed by museum studies, I was fortunate enough to be supervised for my doctorate in classical archaeology by Prof. V. Dasen at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Prof. D. Frere at the University of Bretagne (France). My thesis focused on the material and symbolic culture surrounding the diet of infants in Roman Gaul. Since then I have been a post-doc at the University of Geneva and currently a scientific collaborator attached to the department of archaeology and art history at the University of Fribourg and particularly to the ERC project Locus Ludi.
In parallel to my academic interests I have pursued a museum-related career, organising a number of major exhibitions since 2010 and worked in various roles for the promotion of museum collections throughout Switzerland. My intimate and hands-on knowledge of various museum collections has infused my scientific research and my interest in the archaeology of diet and feeding in antiquity. To this day, I am still surprised that this topic, and particularly the history of milk and infant diet has garnered so little research interest with regards to the Greek and Roman cultures when it is virtually inescapable in our contemporary civilisation.
Postdoc University Lumière Lyon 2 (Sucus lacteus project)
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Scientific Collaborator and lecturer (University of Fribourg)
University of Fribourg
PhD in Roman archaeology (Gallo-roman feeding-bottles and alimentary and medicinal milk)
University of Fribourg (Switzerland) & University of Bretagne (France)
Master in classical archaeology (funerary archaeology)
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ICOM Museum studies
Bachelor in art History and classical archaeology
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)